薛凯琪 登上《环球时尚志WorldFashion》January 2019 最新封面,出镜新春时尚大片。
薛凯琪熟悉铜锣湾的日与夜,这里有北京深夜的空旷,也有纽约 24 小时不停歇的烟火气。时代广场与黄金广场间,人来人往里的浮光掠影,霓虹幻映下的过往云烟, 把铜锣湾装扮得华丽耀眼。香港,梦正酣,夜未央,欢伊始。
XueKaiQi is familiar with the day and night of Causeway Bay. This place is like the empty night in Beijing and the lights that are as immortal as New York. Between Times Square and the Golden Square, people come and go in the light, the past clouds under the neon phantom, make the Causeway Bay gorgeous and dazzling. Hong Kong, the night is long and beautiful, and welcomes a new beginning.